Love Pizza Tower
Love Pizza Tower
The only thing more monotonous than life is death.
I survived a suicide attempt a couple years back, not worth it, bro. There's plenty to life, don't look at the here and now, look at the what is and what can be.
Yeah, I've been telling myself that for the past few minutes. It's not worth ending it all just because of bad thoughts at a bad time. Luckily, I am able to occupy myself whenever this comes up. It doesn't help that my parents have upcoming travel plans and that college starts up in two weeks, but at least those don't add to my problems at all. I can still occupy myself, and plan to continue the strolls around my neighborhood I used to do
It is in fact, Art Lol
I even have it under the "Fine Art" category
Professional jelqer, avid Pizza Tower enjoyer and artist for Narzioth Games.
Imma Dude, dude.
Narzioth Games
Joined on 1/13/24